tutorial: pixel art template setup/ exporting as png
1. run photoshop (i'm using adobe ps cc 2014)
2. file > new . . .
3. document type: custom;size: blank; width: 800 pixels; length: 600 pixels; res: 72 px/in(apparently ideal for pixel art/ web use); RGB (also default); background: transparent; > OK
(rule I currently follow for pixelart: use 1/10th of the final file's dimension; if f.eks. the output file will be 100 x 100pixels, create a document of 10 x 10 pixels) (for this specific file I'm creating 100x100 for my file which will be 1000 x 1000)~
4. zoom in ('Ctrl' + '+') .
5. view > show > show pixel grid (this option sometimes doesn't show up for me but ok; also you'll have to zoom in very close to see this grid~ I prefer disabling pixel grid most of the time but its a good option to have!~)
6. duplicate layer
7. select > pencil tool
8. pencil tool: 1 px; opacity:100; mode: normal.
9. to open a reference image. . .
file > open . . .
select tool > style: fixed ratio
click and drag select your ref image
edit > copy
select your pixel art template
edit > paste
10. draw pixel art on fresh layer ( I use the ref art as a guide about 30% of the time, mostly for proportions and finding more realistic characteristics & anatomy of whatever your subject is).
11. my pre-steps to export file . . . (enjoy my very extra steps to export a jpg lol)
hide reference layer
select > all ('Ctrl' + 'a')
edit > copy merged
file > new > OK (will have presets tailored to whats on ur clipboard) file > paste
12. file > save for web . . .
percent: 1000; quality: nearest neighbor; > Done
adapted from flow graphics' text art tutorial (link) ~
. . . to animate
follow steps 1~ 8
9. draw each frame of animatio, on its dedicated layer (next time I animate I'm going to draw each frame by hand, scan and use as ref in ps.. note 2 self) ~~ (this step needs more visual explanation, maybe I'll make a video?) ~~
I like to keep all my elements in seperate layers on my 'master file' then set up my scenes one by one. I then select all > copy merged > new file > paste. I create these frames, then compile a new file where I stack my frames in layers.
10. 'Create Frame Animation' in timeline
11. creating frames in timeline. . .
2. file > new . . .
3. document type: custom;
(rule I currently follow for pixelart: use 1/10th of the final file's dimension; if f.eks. the output file will be 100 x 100pixels, create a document of 10 x 10 pixels) (for this specific file I'm creating 100x100 for my file which will be 1000 x 1000)~
4. zoom in ('Ctrl' + '+') .
5. view > show > show pixel grid (this option sometimes doesn't show up for me but ok; also you'll have to zoom in very close to see this grid~ I prefer disabling pixel grid most of the time but its a good option to have!~)
6. duplicate layer
7. select > pencil tool
8. pencil tool: 1 px; opacity:100; mode: normal.
9. to open a reference image. . .
file > open . . .
select tool > style: fixed ratio
click and drag select your ref image
edit > copy
select your pixel art template
edit > paste
10. draw pixel art on fresh layer ( I use the ref art as a guide about 30% of the time, mostly for proportions and finding more realistic characteristics & anatomy of whatever your subject is).
11. my pre-steps to export file . . . (enjoy my very extra steps to export a jpg lol)
hide reference layer
select > all ('Ctrl' + 'a')
edit > copy merged
file > new > OK (will have presets tailored to whats on ur clipboard) file > paste
12. file > save for web . . .
percent: 1000; quality: nearest neighbor; > Done
adapted from flow graphics' text art tutorial (link) ~
. . . to animate
follow steps 1~ 8
9. draw each frame of animatio, on its dedicated layer (next time I animate I'm going to draw each frame by hand, scan and use as ref in ps.. note 2 self) ~~ (this step needs more visual explanation, maybe I'll make a video?) ~~
I like to keep all my elements in seperate layers on my 'master file' then set up my scenes one by one. I then select all > copy merged > new file > paste. I create these frames, then compile a new file where I stack my frames in layers.
10. 'Create Frame Animation' in timeline
11. creating frames in timeline. . .
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